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- 手持式熱像儀系列 | 原申電檢有限公司
手持式熱像儀系列 原申電檢作為台灣唯一代理,引進手持式熱像儀系列,採用先進的紅外線技術,提供精準的熱影像,適用於多種應用場景,如設備維護、安防監控和搜救任務。 免費諮詢 手持式紅外線熱像儀列表 原申手持熱像儀 原申紅外線熱像儀可將設備通過網絡連接到手機、平板,遠程探測。背夾設計可將移動設備固定於背面,實現單手操作。 了解更多 熱像畫中畫 可同時顯示紅外圖像和可見光圖像,使觀察更方便。由於熱像儀/ 熱影像儀輕便,可便捷移動,幫助檢測和觀察細節。
- High-voltage Equipment PD System | 原申電檢有限公司
All-time Online High-voltage Equipment Partial Discharge Detection System 原申手持熱像儀 Introduction 聯繫我們 產品資訊 畫質清晰:可達 576x768 像素 類型:紅外線檢測 廣角:擴大視野,3.2mm鏡頭 廣度42-56度 磁吸背板,隨意固定:實現隨時隨地可監測問度。不受環境限制 連接快速穩定:搭配11AC高速率,連接更快更穩定,畫面流暢,訊號強 電池續航再升級:連續工作4小時,搭背2000毫安電池,以及type c充電底座。成為監測的一大助力 工業級測溫:測試範圍更廣,不受侷限! 單機版:溫度範圍為 -15度 - 150度 網路WIFI版: 低段溫:範圍為 -15度 - 150度 高溫段:範圍為 50度 - 550度 全金屬材質,質感升級。 容易操作,一機簡單上手。 熱像儀特色 熱像畫中畫 多圖像色彩&多形狀測溫 可同時顯示紅外圖像和可見光圖像,使觀察更方便。由於熱像儀/ 熱影像儀輕便,可便捷移動,幫助檢測和觀察細節。 高溫警報 原申專業手持熱像儀 可調整色彩、溫度基準和溫度範圍,方便切換合適的圖像場景。 支援不 同測溫形狀 ,例如點、線、面,並提供溫度調範圍的滑動功能,方便準確測量溫度。 高低溫實時追蹤 具備高溫警報功能,當熱像儀檢測到高溫時,可通過連結的手機或設備震動提醒使用者。 聯繫我們 原申專業手持熱像儀可追蹤和記錄高低溫情況,使得溫度變化可立即被觀察到。 熱像儀功能圖片 聯繫我們 台北市內湖區文湖街21巷112弄6號4樓 yuanshen2016@gmail.com Tel: 02-25333367 Fax: 02-85027297
- Contact Us | 原申電檢有限公司
聯繫我們 台北市內湖區文湖街21巷112弄6號4樓 02-2533-3367 yuanshen2016@gmail.com 姓名 電話 Email Message 感謝提交,我們將於1-2天回覆您! 提交
- High-voltage Equipment PD System | 原申電檢有限公司
All-time Online High-voltage Equipment Partial Discharge Detection System Introduction Partial discharge is a phenomenon caused by cracking or defect and aging of high-voltage equipment insulation materials. The main purpose of the full-time online high-voltage equipment partial discharge detection system is to detect partial discharge signals and then judge the state of high-voltage equipment insulation materials, so as to avoid power equipment without warning. Downtime, resulting in losses. The system mainly uses self-developed soft and hard equipment to capture the discharge signal, and senses it through UHF, HCT, etc. device and data collection equipment, collect measurement signals, and detect the discharge waveform in real time and in full time through the back-end software. The software has information such as single-line diagram, statistics and query of discharge information, reports, and PRPD diagrams. Application areas: busbars, cable glands, grounding cables, transformers How it works?
- 熱像儀全產品列表 | 原申電檢有限公司
Z5 mini Z1 Z5 mini 1/2 原申產品列表 手持式熱像儀 了解更多 迷你型手機熱像儀 了解更多 卡片式熱像儀 了解更多 工業防火式熱像儀 了解更多 防暴式熱像儀 了解更多 極黑光高清熱像儀 了解更多 全時線上電力檢測設備 了解更多 原申電檢提供各種熱像儀選擇 當你在挑選適合的熱像儀時,我們瞭解到溫度變化可能是未來問題的預兆。這就是紅外線熱像儀發揮作用的地方。無論您是在進行預防性維護、進行電氣檢測還是需要即時故障排除,都有不同類型的紅外線熱像儀可供選擇: 手持式熱像儀:這是在現場工作時的理想選擇。輕巧便攜,讓您隨時隨地檢查潛在問題,確保生產設備的順利運行。 迷你型手機熱像儀:便於攜帶的迷你尺寸,讓您隨身攜帶並快速檢測溫度變化,提前發現問題。 卡片式熱像儀:輕薄方便,可以隨身攜帶,提供即時溫度變化的檢測,適用於各種場景。 工業防火式熱像儀:專為工業環境設計,具有高耐用性和防水功能,可在惡劣環境下進行溫度檢測。 防爆式熱像儀:專為易爆環境設計,具有防爆功能,確保在危險場所進行安全可靠的溫度檢測。 這些紅外線熱像儀將成為您工作中不可或缺的助手,幫助提高效率,確保工作的安全順利進行。
- 隱私權政策 | 原申電檢有限公司
隱私權政策 生效日期: 2023年8月1日 歡迎您訪問我們的網站/應用程式。我們非常重視您的隱私權。本隱私權政策將解釋我們收集、使用和保護您的個人資訊的方式。請您仔細閱讀以下內容。 資訊的收集與使用 1. 收集的資訊類型 我們可能會收集以下類型的資訊: 個人識別資訊(例如姓名、電子郵件地址、電話號碼等) 非個人識別資訊(例如使用者偏好、設備資訊、地理位置等) 2. 資訊的使用方式 我們使用收集到的資訊來: 提供、維護和改進我們的服務 優化使用者體驗 回應用戶的詢問和提供客戶支援 向用戶提供相關的產品或服務資訊 資訊的分享 我們不會向第三方出售、交換或轉讓您的個人資訊。然而,這不包括合作夥伴和其他協助我們運營網站、提供服務的可信資訊,只要他們同意保持這些資訊的保密性。 資訊的保安 我們採取適當的安全措施,以保護您的個人資訊免於未經授權的存取、修改、揭露或毀損。 Cookie 的使用 我們使用 Cookie 來收集非個人識別資訊,以提高用戶體驗。您可以選擇接受或拒絕 Cookie。大多數瀏覽器自動接受 Cookie,但您可以修改瀏覽器設定以拒絕 Cookie。 隱私權政策的修改 我們保留修改本隱私權政策的權利,任何修改將在生效日期之前通知用戶。
- 防爆式熱像儀系列 | 原申電檢有限公司
防爆式熱像儀系列 原申 防爆式熱像儀系列,經過防爆認證,適用於爆炸性環境監測。光圈F值1.3,自動對焦,紅外線解析度320*240像素,溫度範圍-20~+550℃。 免費諮詢 防爆式紅外線熱像儀列表 原申雙光防爆熱像儀 原申雙光防爆熱像儀提供高清畫質、智能雙光警戒、遠程監控、溫度檢測報警、NVR添加、EX防爆等級。 了解更多 原申單光防爆熱像儀 (可見光) 原申單光防爆熱像儀支援入侵、越界、進入、離開區域偵測,溫度異常報警:溫度範圍-20~+550℃。 了解更多
- 迷你插件式熱像儀系列 | 原申電檢有限公司
迷你插件式熱像儀系列 市面最小的紅外線熱像儀,尺寸與十元硬幣相近、手機隨插即用。原申電檢作為台灣唯一代理,引進手持式熱像儀系列,採用先進的紅外線技術,提供精準的熱影像。 免費諮詢 迷你插件式紅外線熱像儀列表 原申迷你插件式熱像儀 Pro 市面最小的紅外線熱像儀,隨插即用於手機。採用先進紅外線技術,提供專業版影像更清晰,精準熱影像,縮短開發時間,無需猜測熱點。 了解更多 原申迷你插件式熱像儀 Mini 台灣唯一代理,市面最小的紅外線熱像儀,尺寸等同十元硬幣,手機隨插即用。採用先進紅外線技術,提供精準熱影像。 了解更多 市面最小最輕 小巧便捷,重量僅有 10.2克 免充電隨插即用,具備 Type-C 接口
- 全時線上電力檢測設備系列 | 原申電檢有限公司
全時線上高壓設備 局部放電檢測系統 檢測局部放電訊號進而判斷高壓設備絕緣材料的狀態,以避免電力設備無預警的故障停機。 免費諮詢 全時線上高壓設備 局部放電檢測系統 全時線上電力設備 紅外線熱影像檢測系統 電氣設備常伴隨溫升故障,特高壓設備。全時熱影像監測系統利用高解析160x120紅外線感測器,即時檢測異常。產品包括手持式、定置型及盤面式。配備智慧影像處理軟體,AI溫度預測、告警系統,實現自動化智慧溫度檢測。 了解更多 全時線上高壓設備局部放電檢測系統 全時線上高壓設備局部放電檢測,避免無預警故障停機,自主開發軟硬設備檢測訊號,提供即時監測及應用於匯流排、電纜接頭、變壓器等領域。 了解更多 市面最小最輕 小巧便捷,重量僅有 10.2克 免充電隨插即用,具備 Type-C 接口
- About Us | 原申電檢有限公司
Yuan Shen System About Us Create safer, better and smarter partial discharge detection for our customers. The mission of Yuan Shen Partial Discharge Testing Co., Ltd. is to promote the development of resilient, accessible, low-cost energy networks on a global scale and to accelerate the transition to energy decarbonization. Yuan Shen Partial Discharge Testing Co., Ltd. is an expert in providing asset management solutions for power asset owners and operators. Founded on May 31 2012, we are a pioneering institution serving the power industry. We are committed to providing our customers with innovative products and services and consulting that deliver tangible benefits to businesses, enabling them to create safer, more powerful and smarter devices for today and into the future. We work with many clients on a long-term basis and we can advise on strategies and implement solutions using a range of products, providing ongoing service to ensure equipment reliability. Our equipment instruments help our customers manage their assets for maximum service life and lower costs. Professional agent for the following products: Full-time online energy equipment infrared thermal imaging diagnostic system Full-time online high-voltage equipment partial discharge detection system Let's Talk! 4th Floor, No. 6, Alley 112, Lane 21, Wenhu Street, Neihu District, Taipei City Email: yuanshen2016@gmail.com Tel: 02-25333367 Name 電話 Email Message We'll get back to you soon! Submit
- Resources | 原申電檢有限公司
Resource and Download Product catalog downloading area, find the corresponding product, click download to save the catalogs, giving you a more comprehensive reference. Product Catalogs We are committed to providing our customers with innovative products and services, consulting and training that deliver tangible benefits to their businesses, enabling them to create safer, stronger and smarter networks for today and the future. Fixed all-time online power equipment infrared thermal image detection system This system is an intelligent full-time online infrared thermal image detection system. Based on artificial intelligence technology, it analyzes high-resolution thermal image information to detect abnormal temperature rise in the initial stage of equipment, effectively achieves the purpose of early fault detection of monitoring equipment, and avoids the manpower burden and blank window caused by regular inspections. Download Portable all-time online power equipment infrared thermal imaging detection system Using a high-resolution 160x120 pixel handheld thermal image detector, the 20mm measuring aperture can penetrate into the 25mm equipment gap, and extend the measuring distance to XX meters. The lightweight design is easy to carry, which is convenient for maintenance personnel to conduct high-voltage equipment inspections. This system has both general image and thermal image displayed on the device screen, which is easy to detect abnormal temperature of equipment and locate it in real time, prevent and discover equipment problems in advance, and effectively achieve the purpose of fault diagnosis of monitoring equipment. Download All-time online high-voltage equipment partial discharge detection system The partial discharge state of the insulating material during operation can be checked regularly or on-line, and cracking or defects and aging phenomena of the insulating material can be found in the middle and late stages, but the initial signs are less obvious, and it is necessary to cooperate with trend observation, supplemented by comparative analysis. Professional testing technology and capabilities. Download HFCT high frequency sensor HFCT high-frequency sensor, measuring the partial discharge of high-voltage equipment and installed in the GIS high-voltage equipment grounding. Download UHF Winding Antenna UHF ultra-high frequency windable antenna, measuring the partial discharge of high-voltage equipment and installed in GIS high-voltage equipment. Download Transient voltage partial discharge of TEV to ground The TEV is partially discharged to the ground transient voltage, and the partial discharge of the high-voltage equipment is measured and installed in the GIS high-voltage equipment. Download
- Infrared Thermal Imaging System | 原申電檢有限公司
All-time Online Power Equipment Infrared Thermal Imaging Detection System Introduction On electrical equipment, most abnormal faults are accompanied by temperature rise, especially on high-voltage electrical equipment. Therefore, the thermal imaging system of the full-time online monitoring equipment can effectively detect the abnormal state of the equipment in real time by using the thermal imaging sensor, so as to achieve the purpose of preventive detection. The system uses a high-resolution 160x120 infrared thermal image sensor to improve traditional online monitoring The problem of single-point temperature monitoring and the window period caused by regular testing. For different applications, there are three product series: handheld, fixed and panel. In addition, the system uses self-developed intelligent image processing and query software technology. In addition to the alarm system, it also has AI temperature prediction, on-site image fusion, and local temperature difference detection to generate alarms for abnormal phenomena to achieve the purpose of automated and intelligent equipment temperature abnormality detection. Common problem HOW IT WORKS?